IMG_251925th Annual Conference
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Conference — Saturday, May 20, 2017   /   Registration, Instant Gallery, Coffee: 9:00 AM
$70 Members  /  $125 Non-members  /  $5 Full-time College Student (School ID Required)

(Lunch provided for pre-registered attendees only.)   
The Enamel Guild / North East will be holding its 25th Annual Conference at the Westchester Center for the Arts in White Plains, NY. The one-day conference will be held on Saturday, May 20, 2017. We are once again excited to be partnering with Westchester Center for the Arts to bring you the conference. Our visiting instructors, Jessica Calderwood, Kathryn Osgood, and Sharon Massey will each be teaching 2-day workshops. Jessica Calderwood will be teaching a single two-day pre-conference workshop while Kathryn Osgood and Sharon Massey will be teaching both pre- and post-conference workshops. Workshop details can be found under the “Workshops” tab at the top of this page.

Some conference highlights are:

  • Presentations and insights on the workshop leaders’ personal work
  • Demonstrations by workshop leaders and introduction of various new metalsmithing products and techniques
  • Question and answer sessions following each presentation
  • Opportunity to Buy, Sell & Trade items with Guild members
  • A raffle with amazing prizes that will benefit the Marilyn Druin Scholarship Fund
  • Instant Gallery: bring your recent work to display & share with others (up to 3 pieces)

After the conference catch up with old friends at the raffle drawing and buy & sell hour.

Buy and Sell

There will be an opportunity for you to sell any enameling related tools, supplies, or equipment or make purchases from others. Vendors will include Charon Kransen and Scott Ellis from If you have any items that you’d like to donate to EG/NE please contact us at:

Conference Hours are 9:30-5:00

Saturday, May 20, 2017:

9:00 AM    – Instant Gallery Setup
9:30 AM    – Conference Begins
1:00 PM    – Lunch & Vendor Sales
4:00 PM    – Raffle and Buy & Sell
5:00 PM    – Conference Ends

Please be prompt as we have a lot to cover!


(you must be logged in to  receive member  rates)


Westchester Center for the Arts
Westchester Community College
196 Central Avenue
White Plains,  NY  10606

Entrance is on the street level (right side of the building) facing the Bronx River Parkway.

Refunds and Cancellations

Conference and workshop fees are refundable up to April 18, 2017 (less a 10% administrative fee); after April 18, 2017 the administrative fee increases to 25%. Workshop cancellation notification must be made in writing (email is preferable). Workshop fees will not be refunded after April 18, 2017 if the resulting vacancy cannot be filled.