Selling Items to EGNE members

You must be a member of Enamel Guild / North East to post your items for sale on the EG / NE website. Items must be related to enameling, metalsmithing, craft show display and/or related educational materials. Description must not exceed 500 characters. You may provide images of items for sale and EG / NE will display them when space is available. You may not sell finished work of any kind. Items will be displayed for 60 days. If item is sold prior to 60 days, Seller must notify us when item is sold so we may remove the item. You must provide appropriate contact information in the posting. EG / NE is not responsible for forwarding information between parties and will not provide responses to inquiries by interested parties.

Enamel Guild / North East accepts no liability for goods, quality of items, item descriptions and information provided here. Posting of items is strictly a courtesy and all transactions will take place between the Buyer and Seller. Enamel Guild / North East will not mediate disputes between parties involved. EG / NE reserves the right to decline or remove irrelevant/non-applicable listings.

Workshop Listings

You must be a member of Enamel Guild / North East to promote your workshops on the EG / NE website. Workshops must be related to enameling, metalsmithing, and/or related techniques. Description must not exceed 500 characters. Postings will be displayed until the first date of the workshop. You must provide appropriate contact information in the posting. EG / NE is not responsible for forwarding information and will not provide responses to inquiries.

Enamel Guild / North East accepts no liability for descriptions and information provided here. Posting of items is strictly a courtesy and all transactions will take place between the facility/instructor hosting the workshop and the workshop attendee. Enamel Guild / North East will not mediate disputes between parties involved. EG / NE reserves the right to decline or remove irrelevant/non-applicable listings.