INTERview | Amy Roper Lyons

Amy Roper Lyons is a studio jeweler and enamelist. Her work expresses her love for the wonderful variety of form and color found in the natural world. Inspired by her garden, and long walks along the seashore near her home, she creates one-of-a-kind and limited edition pieces in high-karat gold, enamels, and gemstones.… Read More

Under Fire

Under Fire: a Virtual Gallery of International Enamel Artists
The Enamel Guild North East is sponsoring an open call for work that demonstrates the broadest range of enamel applications possible. Recognizing the ever-expansive role enamel is enjoying in contemporary works, this exhibition seeks to demonstrate an exceptional knowledge, understanding, and usage of the material. Works that are primarily enameled that have been completed within the past two years in all forms of the genre will be accepted, embracing traditional as well as experimental methods.… Read More