Annual Conference

May 19, 2018

We are excited again, to be partnering with Westchester Center for the Arts to bring you our annual conference. The date of the conference is Saturday, May 19, 2018 at Westchester Center for the Arts (at Westchester County Center), White Plains, NY.  Workshops will be held at the same location Thursday, May 17 – Friday, May 18 and Sunday, May 20 – Monday, May 21.

This year we will have presentations by Barbara Seidenath and Marissa Saneholtz. Presentations will be followed by demonstrations and we’ll end the conference with our raffle and the annual buy, sell & trade hour.

Barbara Seidenath will teach one pre-conference 2-day workshop and Marissa Saneholtz will teach two 2-day workshops. In addition, we will have a 2-day workshop led by Katharine Wood and Amy Roper Lyons.